Make This World A Better Place

Let's join our hands in making this world a beautiful place to live in... As drops jointly have the power to cause flood, the air which smells so good in the morning time and so silent, encloses the power to destroy everything when hits in the form of cyclone, every individual of us if joined together, encompasses the power to change the facade of this world completely... Many of us have awakened but many others are still in deep sleep…

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Not Just Celebrate, Create Independence!

Freedom Fighters fought for freedom from British rule some years back and we celebrate these years of freedom with a lot of enthusiasm and merriment. In all the joyfulness, we have actually forgotten the real essence of freedom. Freedom doesn’t merely mean liberty from the British rule; look at it from a broader sense. Are we actually free? After attaining freedom from the British people, we have actually become slave of our own people. These people claim to be in our favor but they actually end up serving their own greedy means. And we are seeing everything like an unanimated being! We are busy in the walks of our lives and it hardly matters us where our country is going, where our values are drowning. We actually don’t celebrate the freedom (because there is nothing left like celebrating it) we only celebrate the holiday that we get! We are happy because we get an off otherwise we would be burning ourselves in the work load like every day and in the struggle to achieve target, we would have forgotten Independence Day. Sorry if I sound harsh!

If you are really a citizen of India and proud to be one, then take up a task. At least, one task that can make a difference in the society. Not just be happy for your freedom, give someone else freedom. Stand up and help the society in becoming a better place. Definitely work to satisfy your desires and dreams but don’t forget your responsibilities towards society. You can go to work, come back to home, take a nap and then again go back to work. You can live emotionless life like a machine. On the other hand, you can work, help others in making their lives a little easy, come back to home, sleep with gratification and blessings of someone you helped and then again get back to work. You can live life like a human being, a responsible one! Our society needs us, our own people needs us! When all our people will be happy, we deserve to celebrate Independence. Seems like an ideal situation, right? Can’t we create this ideal situation? I’ve heard a phrase ‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’ I believe in this statement, live with it and may be, one day, I’ll die with this notion but at least not without making any efforts. 

Shipra Saini