Make This World A Better Place

Let's join our hands in making this world a beautiful place to live in... As drops jointly have the power to cause flood, the air which smells so good in the morning time and so silent, encloses the power to destroy everything when hits in the form of cyclone, every individual of us if joined together, encompasses the power to change the facade of this world completely... Many of us have awakened but many others are still in deep sleep…

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where The Time Is Going!

Thinking about the flowing time,

I tremble, where it’s going!

Not upgrading to the better selves,

Humans are becoming humiliating!

No self-respect, no self-constraint,

I wonder, where people are drowning!

In tussle to get better every time,

I’m shaken, where values are sullying!

They call it change, I call it destruction,

I ruminate, where the thought differences rolling!

Thinking about the flowing time,

I tremble, where it’s going!

Shipra Saini