Make This World A Better Place

Let's join our hands in making this world a beautiful place to live in... As drops jointly have the power to cause flood, the air which smells so good in the morning time and so silent, encloses the power to destroy everything when hits in the form of cyclone, every individual of us if joined together, encompasses the power to change the facade of this world completely... Many of us have awakened but many others are still in deep sleep…

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Freedom Is Not Free

It is very unfortunate that ‘Freedom is not free’. Whether a democratic country or a Plutocratic country, the condition is identical. Everything exist only in written, nothing is really practiced. Whenever comes a matter of writing, thought strikes to my mind ‘Hopefully it will not hurt anyone’s sentiments’. There are 195 countries in the world, 6700 languages, numerous religions and people with diverse beliefs. It is just impossible to get appreciated by everyone and when you are speaking the bitter truth then forget that even it will get accepted. The same is the case with Taslima Nasrin. She dares to speak out the truth; the whole community and people broke out to shut her mouth. I don’t understand why and how everyone’s sentiments get hurt so easily. But I really appreciate that she still on the way. She destroyed her whole life; put it on stake just for expressing her views. This is the cost she paid for her expression. This is the cruel reality of the world.